6 Assam / Meghalaya
- Foreign Sky in India
6 Assam / Meghalaya
- Foreign Sky in India
November 30, Friday
Guwahati in Assam, without having a guidebook about it
Around 7 a.m. I bought a cup of hot milk tea and a newspaper, a local one published in Assam, from a boy (Right). The top news was “Maoists attacked VIP in Nagaland”. I felt nervous at the news.
Nagaland is an Indian state located in the east of Assam. I met tourists from there in Darjeeling. The East district of India comprising of seven states, Assam, Meghalaya, Arnachal Pradish, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripra, is said to be a politically unstable place. My travel guidebook, “How to walk the Planet,” published in Japan describes nothing about this district. This must be because the Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan designates this district as the one where tourists should reconsider their visit from the safety point of view. I never have any adventurous mind to run a risk but I decided to visit here when I talked with an American tourist in Varanasi. Later I also talked with two Indians, a soldier and a government officer. They recommended to visit Assam and Meghalaya because the two states are very beautiful and safe although the other states in the East district are not allowed for foreigners to travel without permission. As I found some description of this district in Lonely Planet, a famous travel guidebook, that a Korean had in Darjeeling, I made a copy at the hotel. Unfortunately, however, I lost it inside the car driving down from Darjeeling.
While reading the newspaper, three Indians talked to me. They said they were from Imphal, the capital of the state of Manipur. I knew the name of Imphal. It is the tragic battlefield during the WW II, where Japanese army attacked British there by walking over the mountains from Burma. I asked the Indians about it. One of them told me, “People in Manipur fought against Buritish in cooperation with Japanese. After the war Manipur made an independent kingdom during 1947 to 1949. Later Manipur was forced to join India.” I have not heard such a history before. I do not know whether it is the fact or not but I guess that such ethnic emotion could cause a political instability here.
He said that the East district is surrounded by four countries, China (Tibet), Bhutan, Myanmer (Burma) and Bangladesh and borders on the state of Bengal through the narrow corridor. Most people in the seven states of this district are ethnically different form the Hindu and in this reason there are some activists who aim at the independence from India. Most leaders of the activists against the government are connected to communists in the neighboring countries, the Indian said.
He also said: Here are too many soldiers in India. This is partly due to the measure against unemployment and partly due to the relationship with the eight neighboring countries, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China (Tibet), Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmer (Burma) and Bangladesh. India has some tensions to all of them because they are non-democratic countries or countries that has effective anti-government activists.
Guwahati, Assam, the town of early nightfall
While listening to the Indian’s talk, I saw the train crossing over a huge river. It was the Brahmaputra, the great river running through Assam and Bangladesh. At 10:35 a.m. our express train arrived at Guwahati Station six hours and thirty five minutes after the scheduled time!!
I rode a cyclericksha to go to an Internet cafe, first of all. I found one and read an Email from Kumiko although I could not connect my MacBook directly there. Kumiko wrote that she had booked a flight to India to join me. So it was necessary to make a schedule of our traveling and to book train tickets as well. Next I went to the government-managed tourist lodge that the officer had talked about last night, as I had no information about this city except it. I decided to stay here. An Indian lady sitting beside the gate of the lodge gave me travel brochures on Assam. She did not have any information on Meghalaya that I wanted to visit tomorrow.
I walked to the shore of the Brahmaputra. There was a statue of a trooper standing on an elephant (Above). It reminded me a famous statue in the Han dynasty, I saw at Xian, China, the statue of Chinese trooper standing on a soldier of the Huns. Did the knight conquer an Indian nation, if the elephant is a symbol of India?
Dusk was thickening into night, still at 5 p.m. though. The sunset was earlier here, in the eastern part, because India has only one time zone in spite of its large area. It was natural to me to have the next interest in supper. An Indian at the front at the hotel gave me some information about restaurants. I rode a cyclericksha toward the center of the city. It stopped at the entrance of the central area. The driver said that I had to walk inside. The city was larger than expected. A lot of stores were full of merchandise, just the same as in any cities in the world. It reminded me a best-seller book entitled “The World Is Flat.” In long walking around, however, no restaurant was found at all. Something burst on my mind. Indeed, it had been difficult to find a restaurant on streets in any cities in india, not only in Guwahati. There are restaurants but very few on streets although all hotels certainly have one. This is significantly different from the situation in other countries. I wondered how Indians have lunch.
I walked around dim streets and found the traffic terminal and information on Meghalaya. Finally I returned my tourist lodge and had a supper, nan and curry again. I went to bed early.
December 1, Saturday
Driving to Shillong, Meghalaya, a nice resort area
12/1( 土) アッサム州の南、メガラヤ州・シロングへ
シロングの町はこぎれいで好感が持てた。街中を通った。サリーを着ている女性は比較的少ない。そういえば、ここには銃を持った兵士も見かけない。スズキ自動車のタクシーも感じがよい。運転手がメガラヤ州の言葉はカーシー(Khasi)語で、「ありがとう」は”Khublei shibun”というんだ、と教えてくれる。メガラヤの人たちがアーリヤ系なのかモンゴル系なのか判断できなかった。(後日注:メガラヤの「カーシー族」は、オーストロアジア語族(ベトナム、タイ、ミャンマー、カンボジアなどの民族を含む)に属す。)この州はインドとは民族が違うが独立運動などの動きは無い、ということだ。
予定していたHotel Pinewoodに着く。泊まりたい旨告げて、あのインド人の名刺を見せたら効果てきめん、グレードの高い部屋に安く泊まれることになった。広々とした部屋はやはり寒いが、すぐ暖炉をあかあかと焚いてくれた。また、インターネットはロビーで使える高速ブロードバンドのワイヤレス。ホテルの従業員もとても感じがよい。明日のチェラプンジー(Cherrapunjee)へのツアーを予約した。
12/2( 日) チェラプンジー は「大台ヶ原」ー 降水量が世界一、でも今は・・・
チェラプンジーは、世界最大降雨量の地、つまり世界の「大台ヶ原」。それが美しい谷と滝などの景観をつくっているのだという。パンフレットによると、年間降水量は、ロンドン615mm、ワシントン1108mm、東京1523mm、ムンバイ2397mm、ハワイのMt. Waialeale 11,680mm、チェラプンジー12,029mm。また、チェラプンジーで最も降水量が多いのは7月で3,200mm、少ないのは1月で15mm。というわけで、チェラプンジーは夏には一ヶ月で東京の年間降水量の二倍以上の降水量があるが冬はきわめて少ない。
Seven Sisters Fall (乾期で滝は無い)
ダンス アッサムの若者が音楽に合わせて踊り出した。アッサム人はダンスが大好きで、4月15日に盛大な祭りがあるという(ビデオは下、WindowsではQuickTimeが必要です。ダウンロードは無料)。踊っているのは皆男性である。
およそ8時間の観光が終わり、皆と別れの挨拶をする。沢山の人から、今日日本人に会えてうれしかった、と言われた。Kure君、Monndal君とはミルクティーで乾杯して別れた。午後4時を過ぎたらもう暗くなる。早々にホテルに戻る。このホテルは、雰囲気も良いし外貨の両替もしてくれてしかもこれまででレートが一番良かった($100 = Rs.4000)。
Nohkalikai Falls, Cherrapunjee, Meghalaya
12/3( 月) カーレースのようなドライブでグワハチに戻る。
グワハチへは、4,5人の乗客を乗せる乗り合いタクシーを使うことにする(Rs150)。 インドで普通自動車でドライブするのは、デリー、ブッダガヤ、ダージリンに続いてこれが4回目である。最初に体験したときは恐怖感を覚えたインド独特のドライブである。グワハチまでは、でこぼこの山道だが、そこを「速度無制限」で走る。制限速度30km/hrという標識を見かけたが、それを守ろうという気持ちはどの車にも無いように見える。前の車に追いついたらクラクションを鳴らす。追いつかれた方はすなおによける。 対向車が来ても すり抜けるように追い越す。曲がりくねった見通しの悪い山道でもこれだから怖い。トラックの後ろには”HORN PLEASE”などと書いてある。クラクションは鳴らしっぱなしでも良いようだ。歩行者がいても徐行はしない。人のすぐそばを猛スピードですり抜ける。歩行者は自動車のスピード権を侵してはならないかのように、これまた上手に走行する自動車を避けて横断している。これでよく事故が起こらないものだと感心する。速度無制限で追い越したり追い越されたりは、ドイツのアウトバーンを思い出させる。そして、混雑してくるとすき間に入り込むカオス的運転はフランスを思い出させる。ドライバーがはっきりとした意志とテクニックを持っていればスピードを出してもすべてはうまくいくんだ、と皆が信じているように感じた。
12/4( 火) ブラマプトラ河遊覧。グワハチから空路デリーへ。
グワハチは外国人観光客が少ないせいか、外貨を両替できるところが州立銀行だけのよう。そこに行く。レートが$100=Rs3770とシロングのホテルよりかなり悪かった。すぐそばの船着き場から渡し船に乗りブラマプトラ河の中にあるUmananda島に渡る。ヒンズー教と思われるお寺があり、沢山の人がお参りをしていた。 Umananda島にて
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